Wednesday, July 12, 2006

New State-wide Pro-Woman/Pro-Life Organization

From the web site.

Women First was formed to address the shortcomings in the ongoing pro-life vs. pro-choice debates. We contend that a new conversation is needed -- one that seeks common ground between the various viewpoints, and serves to bridge the differences by focusing on the health and welfare of women as a common goal.
Women First invites dialogue and discussion to bridge the gap by directing the focus towards helping women.
Women First is pro-woman and pro-life
Introductory Gathering -- Please join Women First for wine, cheese, and positive dialoge at the Women First introductory gathering. Please call Angela at (253) 759-9347 or Djana at (253) 584-0387/ for more information. They look forward to seeing you there! July 18th, 2006, 7:00 PM.

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