Sunday, January 29, 2012

HB 2448: Promotes Sodomy, Sex, and Secularism to Pre-Schoolers...

...Oh, and making sure a two year old can balance on one foot briefly.
That's the gist of what's in HB 2448.

Here's what Research Mom says about the bill:
HB 2448 will create and fund the complete takeover of childcare from pre-birth to age five, at which time mandatory Kindergarten takes place. Starting with the funding of a “voluntary” Washington Preschool Program and phasing in birth through three year olds, the plans will eventually create a regulated school system with performance standards, one-size-fits-all outcomes, and assessments for all children birth to five. The Department of Early Learning (DEL) 2011-2014 Strategic plans reveal that this “high quality” government early learning system will provide programs that include prenatal care, health, nutrition, social-emotional mental health development, parent/community partnerships, and required college degrees for all providers. (pg 7)
You can find the curriculum for the children in the handbook called “Early Learning and Development Benchmarks”.  This manual lays out a set of one-size-fits-all outcomes that all children are expected to attain at each stage. 

Of course the whole thing is insane, and not just because of the way it will push sodomy, sex and secularism even further into the schools, all the schools, not just the public ones. Get a load of the micromanaging of our kids! Don't these people have anything better to do than to make sure kids can balance on one before they get to kindergarten. And they only have to balance "briefly".  What is the "balancing on one foot" benchmark for highschoolers? Balancing for an hour? Can we look forward to the Department of Education's report on, Singular Pedial Equilibrium Among School Aged Children in Washington State?

But I digress.

First of all, anyone who still thinks promoting "diversity" among school children means making sure the white kids will play with the black and Asian kids is in for a rude awakening.

Diversity simply means making sure your kids know what sodomy is, that it's perfectly normal and that you embrace the people who engage in it. This kind of "diversity" will permeate the books, materials and atmosphere of the schools. Just watch.

They say the devil's is the details and there he is tucked away between the parentheses on page 63 of the Benchmarks: Diversity includes “read stories with child … including stories from diverse cultures and family structures (eg. Single parent, same sex parents)” for 36-60 months old children.

Pop quiz: Which "benchmark" do the education busybodies care most about -- Making sure kids can balance on one foot or making sure they enthusiastically "accept diversity"?

Sex education in the schools. Want to know how bad it is already? Here is a document that was given to me by a parent whose child was enrolled in the Mountlake Terrace Cooperative Preschool last year (2011).  The local Joycelyn Elders over at MTCP just couldn't resist actually puting these in the kids' backpacks. MTCP would not return my emails seeking comment.

All of this is really just the secular agenda making its final moves on the public school system.  The noose has been tightening for some time now. With parents too burned out and their lives to chaotic I don't see how they will be able to fight it off even if they wanted to.

Read more about Olympia's plans:

Strategic Plan 2011-2014

Text of HB 2448

Early Learning and Development Benchmarks

Plan for Washington Early Learning System 2010-2020 – October 2009

Report on the pilot plan to evaluate/test children – Wa Kids Pilot Program

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