Wednesday, March 03, 2010

"It Gets Complicated": Late term abortionist shares tips on killing, avoiding resuscitation requirements

Abortionist Deb Oyer, probably the most visible, politically active, and well connected abortionist in the state of Washington, recently gave a presentation at the University of Washington to prospesctive abortionists and teenage girls from local high schools.

Terra Mork, a bright light in the state's pro-life movement, leads off with part one of Oyer's presentation.

Oyer is a late-term abortionist who appears to be enthusiastic about her work. In a matter of fact presentation staged peacefully without fanfare on the campus of the UW, Dr. Oyer details how she perfoms abortions and ensures that the child is killed in the womb in order to prevent having to "resuscitate" a born-alive child during a failed abortion.

1 comment:

chimakuni said...

it never ceases to amaze me that the abortionist believes that they are helping women...

There is such a huge disconnect with reality - we must pray even harder for them.