Sunday, December 11, 2005

Theater of the Absurd

Every abortion clinic is a theater of the absurd.

The Theater of the Absurd “…was anti-theatre. It was surreal, illogical, conflictless and plotless. The dialogue seemed total gobbledygook.” And, “[a]bsurd drama subverts logic. It relishes the unexpected and the logically impossible.”

The action centers on a doctor who is practicing “anti-medicine”; performing aimless surgery on patients who are not ill and need no healing.

The doctor boldly proclaims that he “destroys life.” Yet, he refuses to “destroy a life” unless the patient is complicit in and directive of the surgery by asserting the logically impossible – her unborn baby is not a baby. "It's not a baby to me until the mother tells me it's a baby” but later learn he won’t perform third-trimester abortions because it’s too much like infanticide.

This is a surreal world where who is being killed and who is being born are unclear. He believes that the thousands of women who have relied on him have been “born again.” The 70 year old doctor recently “…injured his head in a fall. He underwent three surgeries and spent months in rehabilitation. His wife urged him to retire.” He continues his surreal work. It seems he’s going to help these women become “born again” even if it kills him.

In this unexpected scenario of death and birth there is confusion over which character fills the roll of victim. Who is actually doing the killing? Is the doctor a rational hired assassin or a psychopath? Is the patient a victim or calculating murderess?

…[T]he Theatre of the Absurd… seems to have been a reaction to the disappearance of the religious dimension from contemporary life. The Absurd Theatre can be seen as an attempt to restore the importance of myth and ritual to our age, by making man aware of the ultimate realities of his condition, by instilling in him again the lost sense of cosmic wonder and primeval anguish. The Absurd Theatre hopes to achieve this by shocking man out of an existence that has become trite, mechanical and complacent.
If only.

1 comment:

Christina Dunigan said...

Boy, that sure nails it!