Thursday, February 02, 2006

Silent No More Awareness 2006 Event Highlights

Here's a recap of the day and some of the highlights:

**Seven women attended this year's event. Six women shared testimony and one held an "I regret my abortion" sign. There were probably twice that who wanted to speak but had other engagements or commitments. There are also many other women who wanted to speak but have not told their families or are still unsure about speaking publicly.

**Several young women in their 20s stopped along the side of the park and listen, engrossed in the testimonies.

**We had about forty to forty five people at the rally listening to us. There were two spunky, elderly women all the way from Port Angeles - which is several hours away from Seattle, as well as a groups of pro-life students from Sumner, another hour or so away from Seattle.

**The Seattle Times put an accurate notice about our event in their NW Weekend Section and KGNW 820 also interviewed us and promoted our event heavily. (Thank you KGNW, Thor Tolo and his producer Heidi!)

**A nice looking man came up to one of the participants and asked if she knew how this issue affected men. She was able to tell him about Project Rachel and give him a card with the number for Project Rachel. When she told him that he was welcome to come on a Project Rachel retreat he was most interested. He is in a twelve step program and she believes he will follow through with Project Rachel and that he may even be a speaker for SNMA one day.

**Many people who walked through the park stopped and nodded in agreement and walked on.

**There was little opposition to our message though the few who were there did try to disrupt our peaceful and prayerful event. Someone across the street had a National Organization for Women (NOW) sign. Remember them? I thought they were defunct. Maybe it was an sign leftover from the 70s.

**Women from around the state continue to be inspired and hear the call to come forward and share their testimonies and the truth about abortion. Plans are in the works for several events to happen around the state in the future.

**Kitsap Human Life has a great web site and very kindly posted some photos of the event

Thanks to everyone who prayed in support of this noble effort.

If you know someone who is hurting after an abortion please pass on the following numbers: Project Rachel -- 1-800-822-HOPE and 1-800-395-HELP. If you know someone in the abortion industry, let them know there is help to get out: Have them contact the Society of Centurions of America at PO Box 75368, St. Paul, MN 55175, Phone 651-771-1500, Fax 651-771-6967.


Christina Dunigan said...

This is wonderful. The women who've been there are going to expose abortion for the lie it is.

Mary E. said...

Thanks granny! We sure hope so.