Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fortitude Ladies, Fortitude

From the Abortion Access Project Spring 2006 Newsletter:
Provider Appreciation Day March 10 marked the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers. AAP extends our warm thanks to abortion providers throughout the United States for their extraordinary commitment and fortitude in ensuring women’s access to reproductive health care.

for‧ti‧tude – noun
mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously: Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness.

Performing abortions; not exactly a day at the beach.


Unknown said...

Have you checked out debate(abortionclinnicdays)-the reality show.

Anonymous said...

"extraordinary commitment and fortitude" ... no, being a murderer is not easy. Taking the life of a human being and injuring the life of its mother and father is difficult. How sad that this sinfulness has somehow taken on a heroic status. Shaking my head at how easy it is for people to be deceived....

Christina Dunigan said...

Yeah, but the "fortitude" they were referring to was in bravely slaying fetuses while "under attack" by "right to lifers."

Mary E. said...

I have seen abortionclinicdays but I don't have the fortitude for hell.

On the one hand abortion is just so "la-de-da" and on the other hand it's this intense battle requiring fortitude and courage and extraordinary committment. It all depends on who their audience is.

Anonymous said...

yah - we right to lifers sure are horrible! Imagine wanting to give a bambino life outside the womb...geesh