Sunday, May 06, 2007

How Abortionists Celebrate Mother's Day

When this came across my desk by email I thought is was a clever parody of Washington's leading abortionist activist group, but alas it is a serious event. After their "Screw Abstinence" party (which they recently did to our state schools) and "Chocolates for Choice" (which included chocolate from Chocolate 2 Die 4) fundraisers, nothing should surprise us. They are completely satire proof.
Take Your Daughter to NARAL Day
In honor of Mother's Day, come find out how you can pass the pro-choice torch on to the next generation at "TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO NARAL DAY."

Bring the special young woman in your life to NARAL Pro-Choice Washington for a cheese and chocolate Mother's Day celebration. [More chocolate. Why play into the stereotypes about women and candy when they could host a cigar and golf outing.]

Learn about all the amazing opportunities that NARAL Pro-Choice Washington offers for young women to become involved in the movement for reproductive rights, health and justice. Who can attend? You and your daughter (or granddaughter, niece, mentee, etc.) [Your son's girlfriend perhaps? The neighbor girl?]

This event will be at the office of NARAL Pro-Choice Washington on Thursday, May 10 from 5:30-7:00pm. [Why not at the local abortion mill?]

Please RSVP no later than Tuesday, May 8.

For some reason they don't have this event posted on their web site.

It would appear from this email as though they are having a hard time getting young women to volunteer for their particular brand of activism. I suppose it's hard to get excited about working for a group whose product you'd never want to use.

What will they dream up for Halloween?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NARALites might want to choose a more appropriate moniker for their "Take Your Daughter to NARAL [Mother's]Day" event.

"You're Lucky to be Alive Day" would be more accurate.

Marybeth T. Hagan
Author of "Abortion: A Mother's Plea for Maternity and the Unborn" (Liguori Publications)