Thursday, February 17, 2011

City of Seattle Seeking to Renew Funding for Abortion and Contraception thru Families and Education Levy

A concerned citizen alerted us to a Seattle City Council meeting happening tonight, Thursday, at 5:30 pm in downtown Seattle   (See here for details.) At this meeting a renewal of the Families and Education Levy will be discussed. Citizens will be given two minutes to speak.

The Seattle PI has a backgrounder on the Families and Education levy here.

This is the levy that facilitated the abortion of a Ballard High School student last year.

This is the program that funds the so-called health clinics and pays the salaries for the busy-bodies that sell abortions to teens. Maybe your daughter will end up at the Group Health abortion clinic. Don't worry, she'll be safe behind the bullet proof glass. Oh, and by the way they are happy to put your daughter on cancer causing contraceptives behind your back. No questions asked!

The renewed levy will be a further intrusion into the lives of students at an even earlier age -- K-Elementary school -- and will maintain the family destroying school-based health centers in the ten Seattle high schools  -- as readers can see from the listing of the Orwellian named "Investment Areas" gleaned from the levy recommendation document

Student Health Investment Area – Kindergarten to 12th Grade

1. Maintain current school‐based health centers in ten high schools and four middle schools.
2. Expand school‐based health centers to high‐need schools such as the Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center (SBOC) and Mercer Middle School.
3. Provide elementary school‐based primary health care and mental health services coordinated with middle school school‐based health centers (SBHC) and the family’s health care home.
4. Implement health services for high‐risk middle and high school students in alternative settings.
5. Enhance dental and mental health services provided at school‐based health centers.

Once again it is the poor, minorities and immigrants that are targeted for experimentation by the white liberal establishment. We just can't emphasize it enough -- parents either need to pull their kids from public schools or they need to band together to fight the insidious control the these people have over the schools.

All concerned parents need to attend this meeting and make their voices heard. If you can't attend the meeting talk to fellow parents and warn them about the grip the abortion-contraception lobby has on our schools.

Leave your comments for Mayor McGinn here.


Anonymous said...

Let me get this right. Last year, the City of Seattle implemented mandatory unpaid furlough days for its employees because the City claimed to be hurting financially. This year, Seattle reduced its cost of living increase significantly because they could not afford the regular cost of living increase due to the state of the economy. Despite this, they have the money to pay to murder hundreds if not thousands of babies through abortion, and to promote immoral behaviors by readily supplying contraceptives (which can and do work as abortifacients) to unwed teens. When will those responsible realize that they have blood on their hands? When will the insanity end?

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this article. Schools should not hand out prescription birth control.