Friday, March 18, 2011

Safe and Legal Abortion Claims Another Victim at Everett Planned Parenthood

Woman getting evacuated in ambulance from Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Everett, Washington, condition unknown. Planned Parenthood staff form line with umbrellas and poster board to obstruct public from viewing.
It was another eventful day at the Safe and Legal Abortion Center otherwise known as the Everett Planned Parenthood. Sadly, I was there to witness the transport of what appeared to be a severely injured woman to a North Everett Hospital. We are still investigating as to the severity of the botched abortion and only pray that it was not fatal or caused serious injuries.

Events started to unfold a little before 1:00 pm when I heard sirens approaching the corner of Hoyt and 32nd in Everett, Washington. As the red engine rounded the corned from the south I walked hastily to see if it would move beyond Planned Parenthood on Hoyt. Unfortunately it stopped and 3 paramedics unloaded their gear and went in the side entrance.

I had arrived at Planned Parenthood about 10:00 am today and noticed things were different. The sidewalk and the traffic in and out of the clinic weren't the usual hub of activity and conversation. Usually by about 11:00 to 11:30 women are exiting Planned Parenthood after their abortions and more women are arriving. And they come out the front door. Today this didn't happen. Every customer except one came out the side door on to the parking lot.

The arrivals were unusual too. Maybe two women came and left with little brown bags, probably condoms. One PP supporter came to make a donation. She proudly let me know she was "pro-choice".  I told her, "I can tell!" I wonder if she would have left her money if she had known they were in the middle of a botched abortion.

Another woman arrived with white poster board, which they later used to block the view from the street when they loaded the injured woman into the ambulance. At the time I thought they were going to use it to write "happy signs" for their employees and customers, perhaps with little slogans like, "We Love Our Customers" or "Planned Parenthood Employees Make the World Go 'Round", maybe "Abortion Saves Women's Lives" would have been a good one. One wonders if the botched abortion had occurred by this time and were they making preparations for damage control?  Did they delay in calling 911?

The employees weren't their usual smug and surly selves. They actually seemed sad and did not want to make eye contact.  However, when I asked one employee who had brought something to a woman in her car how it was going, she replied, "good". That was about 12:30.

After the paramedics had gone inside I waited to see if an ambulance would appear. Indeed, not long after that, maybe 5 minutes, the ambulance arrived and they took a gurney inside.

It was about 1:15 when Planned Parenthood employees started filtering out the side door that opens onto the parking lot to form a conga line. They held big blue and white umbrellas, those white poster boards, and a flattened cardboard box (!) in order to try to obstruct our view of the situation. That tells you about their priorities.

The woman was slowly wheeled out into the parking lot and loaded into the ambulance. There must have been 10 to 12 employees of PP trying to protect their reputation and hide this horrific incident from the public. They performed the same ritual for the partner or friend or parent of the injured woman. The only thing I saw was a red sock, crumpled and askew on the woman's foot.

By 1:17 it was over and the ambulance had driven away; north, possibly to the emergency room at Providence Hospital. The attitude of the paramedics seemed to be one of sadness mixed with anger. They went inside to interview employees and take a report. I was left with an incredible feeling of sorrow to have witnessed this event. We know that babies die there on a regular basis and women are hurt during every abortion but there is never any formal public recognition of that. No sirens, no ambulances, no strong and brave men ever come to Planned Parenthood to ferry away the babes and mothers in need of help and care.

We called the Planned Parenthood main office to find out what we could from them. Interestingly, they hadn't been notified of it and were quite unfazed and unconcerned when asked about an injury, possibly a fatality, at one of their clinics. Phone calls to their media representative were not returned.

We'll keep you posted as further details are available.

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daila said...

I just saw this but paused to pray that God would protect mother and child. He is in the rescuing lives and souls business. He is the Giver of Life.

Anonymous said...

This could have been a heart attack, folks. You are GUESSING it's a "botched job" but you have no proof. I don't blame the PP employees from shielding the woman from you! This is a private MEDICAL matter - nothing about it says that it's any of your business.

Anonymous said...

This is all a lie. No one died.

Anonymous said...

It absolutely sickens me that pph allows precious time to be taken away from transporting this person to the hospital to insure that as little as possible will be exposed. Also, the EMT's. How many transports from a car accident are treated this way? Doesn't the news show them? The earthquake victims in Japan? Oh, but the ''sacred cow,'' abortion always gets special treatment. Can't expose them!

Anonymous said...

Just a heads up on that brown paper bag you saw the woman leave PP with. You can be sure that she is leaving with the two doses of the chemical abortion she is to "finish" at home. The first one is given at the abortion chamber and stops the normal progesterone production which in turn will kill the baby. The next two pills will be taken over the next couple days which will "expel" the baby. This is horrendously painful, causes extremely much bleeding and in some cases death from blood loss. After completing this abortion at home, the victim has to return to the abortion mill to make sure the entire baby has been expelled. This they determine by an ultrasound. If the complete abortion has not taken place, then have to do a surgical abortion. That is the story behind the "little brown bag." It is NOT condoms.

Pauly Hart said...

reposted thanks!

Mary E. said...

Perhaps this was a botched vasectomy? Maybe someone bumped their head as they bent over to pick up condoms that fell on the floor?

Anonymous said...

I would think that if it was in fact a heart attack, pp would have said something to the press about it, too keep their good reputation clean. Just my thought..."We called the Planned Parenthood main office to find out what we could from them. Interestingly, they hadn't been notified of it..." I think that anything out of the ordinary would have been told to the main office.

Anonymous said...

I made this comment before, but it had, interestingly, been taken down.

This article is lie. What they are saying happened is not true.

Mary E. said...

Anonymous -- Your comment was stopped in the spam filter and I didn't realize it. I've now allowed both your comments to be posted.
Please tell us what about this article is a lie? What can you add to the story?

Maggie said...

@Anonymous So if it's a "lie" are you suggesting they faked the picture? It's not like this is the first time an ambulance has been seen at an abortion clinic. No one said anything about a death.

A heart attack at a clinic where they are performing serious surgeries with little over sight by health authorities, and a high risk for terrible complications? What's most likely?

Anonymous said...

Yet again my comment has been deleted. What is up with you guys? I was pointing out to "Maggie" that the word FATALITY is right there in the article.

Anonymous said...

The fact that all of you people have nothing to do with your time but assume the worst sickens me. Pp is also a pregnancy prevention center, so those little brown bags you see are condoms and birth control you selfish people. The fact of the matter is a persons privacy is of there own CHOICE and for you to try and take that and turn it into a horror scene is completely obnoxious. this article is a lie, and for you to make accusations and create articles on what, nothing but a picture? Lying is a sin. Little alone your outline of the abortion pill. Nothing about it was botched either. Pp wasn't trying to protect their image, the doctors their know exactly what they are doing and know exactly what to do in case of an emergency. They are not evil, they are the ones women turn to in time of serious need and they proudly help them. So maybe you should stop, put yourself In the patients shoes, and think about what the patient wanted. She probably didnt want you people attacking her like this. It isn't just about you or what you think. This is about a womens right. And if this isn't posted I will realize that the only thoughts and cares are your own.

Anonymous said...

The average percent of something going wrong is about 1% during an abortion, and they let you be well aware of the risks. Everything usually goes smoothly, and when it doesn't, they know exactly what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

My message to Maggie still hasn't made it past your sensoring. " Interestingly, they hadn't been notified of it and were quite unfazed and unconcerned when asked about an injury, possibly a fatality, at one of their clinics."

And perhaps PP staff were protecting the woman's privacy so she doesn't end up on salacious blogs like this.

Mary E. said...

To Anonymous Above Complaining about Censorship:
As I pointed out above your comments were flagged as Spam by Blogger. I released them as soon as I saw them. The only one I denied was one where you used foul language directed at another person. You rewrote your comment without the slur and that one has been posted.

Anonymous said...

It really makes me sick to my stomach that people can not respect a womans privacy in this situation, have anyone of you even taken into consideration of why she made the choice to do what she did. Perhaps in this case she was a victim of rape and felt very violated o but wait she must feel even more violated now due to the fact you people couldn't respect her privacy, did you even get permission to take pictures of this poor woman. The plain simple fact is that pp totally respects their patients privacy and if the patient requested to be hidden from you people is completely understandable and I give credit to pp for the respect that they have shown this woman.

Anonymous said...

See my point exactly with your comment to "Dear Sick" now you are attacking that person for simply using their freedom of speech and trying to belittle this person and make them feel like they arn't worth the ground they walk on. If you had any heart at all you would understand privacy and not exploit the wounded. You think Jesus wanted to be exploited?

Anonymous said...

It seems the PP employees were trying to protect the privacy of the person being taken to the hospital from people who unfortunately have no regard for their privacy. As to the person who made the comment about the brown bag, I got my oral contraceptives from PP for three years because I could not otherwise afford it. Every month I carried it out in a brown bag. It was all about preventing a pregnancy, not ending one.

online Diploma said...

how could the anonymous said "Its a lie no one die"

do you have any prove or evidence for that?

online Diploma said...

how could the anonymous said "Its a lie no one die"

do you have any prove or evidence for that?

Joel said...

Abortion is always safe - for the abortionist. The payment cleared and the baby is dead, and that's what matters.

Joel said...

Anonymous, I would agree about her privacy, but the photos were at enough of a distance that I don't think her identity is in any danger.

It was comparatively decent of them to call her an ambulance. Lots of clinics would have sent her home to die.

Shannon said...

@ Anonymous person who says it was probably a heart attack...

Go to the link above and read the article. What do you have to say now?