Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pro-lifers Rock Olympia for 2011 March for Life; Pro-Aborts not so much

I attended the March for Life in Olympia yesterday. Here's a great picture that was sent to me. It was taken with a wide angle lens. "With a wide angle lens this photographer went to the Hall of Justice steps, to the top of the steps, and couldn't get the whole crowd in one photo."

Here's coverage from the Olympian, which ain't half bad considering they seem to love the abortion industry most days. However, they only estimated the crowd at 4,500. According to my sources the campus police said if the steps of the legislature building were covered with people, that would be 5,000. It was at least 7,000 by my estimation.

The new archbishop, Peter Sartain, of the Archdiocese of Seattle was on hand. Here he is with Karen Rotter from the pro-life committee at St. Michael Parish and Leigh a representative of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.

And, well, the pro-aborts just couldn't muster much enthusiasm for their cause.

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